Monday, November 19, 2018

Suryanamaskar (sun-salutation)


Inhale, bring the palms in front of the chest and join them together as in Namaskara Mudra or prayer position, exhale.


Inhaling, raise both arms up keeping them close to the ears. Stretch the body as much as possible and bend backwards without bending the knees.


Breathing out, bend forward from the waist, keeping the spine erec. Place the hands on the either side of the feet. Try to touch the knees with the forehead.


Breathing in, place the right leg as far back as possible and bring the right knee to the floor. Bend the left leg at the knee and keep the left foot on the floor between palms, making a 90-degree angle. Arch the spine back and look up.


Stretch your left leg behind such that it is in line with your right leg, while exhaling. Yours hands should align with your shoulders, back and hips should be in a straight line. Breathing normally when are in the posture.

6.Sashtanga Namaskarasana:

Exhaling slowly, gently bring the limbs of the body, toes, knees, palms, the chest and the forehead down to the floor. Lift the hips slightly, arms bending, while elbows point upwards.


Lower the hips and inhale. Raise the head and push the chest up to the novel with the spine arched back. Keep the palms on the ground and bend backwards.


Breathing out, lift the hips up and lower the head and chest downwards in an 'inverted V' posture. Keep the head between the arms and the feet on the ground.


Breathing in, bend the right leg and bring it forward. Keep the right foot on the ground between the arms and the left leg stretched behind with the knee touching the ground. Arch the spine and look up.


Breathing out, bring the left leg forward and place the left foot beside the right foot. Place both the palms beside the feet on the ground with the head touching the knees.


Breathing in raise the arms and the torso. Place the arms straight above the head and bend backwards as much as possible.


Breathing out, come back to the original position. Slowly bring the arms down and join the palms in front of the chest in Namaskara Mudra or the prayer position.

This is the first cycled of one round. To complete one round of Suryanamaskar, repeat the same twelve steps and use the other leg in Ashwasanchalanasana.

Steps for Suryanamaskar:













                  On astoma sad hamata
                Tamasomma jyotir gamaya
             Mrutyur Maa amrtam gamaya
             I'm shaantih shaantih shaantih 

         Lead me from the unreal to the real 
            Lead me from darkness to light
 Lead was me from mortality to immortality
           May there be peace, peace, peace


-Suryanamaskar is considered a complete yoga practice as it is the combination of various yogic elements like asana,bandha murda and so on.
-It helps to increase flexibility, lung capacity, strength and endurance, and keeps your spine in good shape.
-The regular practice of Suryanamaskar improves concentration and helps increase the height of growing children.


Avoid if you have a spinal injury; practise it as per your need and capacity.

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